and excited my interest in space. Measurements of cosmogenic 10 Be, 26 Al and 36 Cl in Apollo 16 double drive core 68002/68001 are combined with a high resolution digital surface model of the sampling site to investigate the surface processes on the Moon. After donning their LCGs, they got into the pressure suits; and that was always a two-man operation. ". 115:58:41 Here is the TV. Ten times, Young nudged the handcontroller to give the computer a new target. For example, some members of the geologic community thought that the central highlands looked like certain terrains on Earth built by volcanism and hoped that the Apollo 16 crew would find samples to prove the point. Be a great source on your site then first. The United States Government retains a S16-107-17420 (OF300) Charlie begins a pan taken north of the LM with this frame showing part of the U.S. flag on the left and the Solar Wind Collector (SWC) at center. They were now off of the South Ray ejecta blanket and the driving got a lot easier. 6 years ago | 23 views. Lunar Curation Contacts; External Links. That still hasn't been answered today. In all, they were away from the LM for about two hours and spent an hour and a half of that collecting samples and taking pictures at two stops. 6 years ago | 23 views. Generally, the astronauts worked as a team when they were sampling; but here, as Duke worked around the rock, getting soil and chipping fragments off the boulder, Young was back at the Rover measuring the lunar magnetic field with a twin of the portable magnetometer carried by the Apollo 14 crew. Virtually all of the rocks proved to be highland breccias. Because Apollo was about to end, there was no new equipment to test, no … However, during tests of the control systems for the Service Module's steerable rocket engine, a malfunction was detected in the backup system. A few of those had carried dogs or monkeys as stand-ins for future human space travelers. By the time of Apollo 16, the limits of the program had been approached. Seconds later, as they were coming through 200 feet, Young rotated (yawed) the LM to the right and could see the shadow out his own window and use it to estimate his altitude and the sizes of the craters ahead. The material included in the Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Journal has been assembled so that an uninitiated reader can understand, in some detail, what happened during Apollo 17 and why and what was learned, particularly about living and working on the Moon. A view of the surface as Al moves the camera. They had learned from watching Scott and Irwin and, at one point when Young decided that he hadn't parked the Rover in quite the best position, rather than take time climbing aboard, he and Duke simply picked it up and moved it. Reproduced with the permission of Journal editor Eric M. Jones. Like the Apollo 15 crew, Young and Duke had been through training as a backup crew for a landing mission (Apollo 13) and, so, for their own mission were able to spend about forty percent of their time training for the surface operations. Man havde forventet at lande i et vulkansk område, men det viste … The SCBs, as the acronym-addicted astronauts inevitably called them, were just barely suited to the job. We want to get it right, but sometimes that can take a while. That's always a surprise to geologists, when they can't explain what they found. Invest targeting doing so abused google devalued contact companies and be. Apollo 17 war der elfte bemannte Flug des Apollo-Programms und der bisher letzte bemannte Flug zum Mond.Die Mission startete am 7. At the time of the Kennedy decision, the Space Age was only four years old and the era of human space flight was only six weeks old. They were climbing steadily toward North Ray and, during most of the drive, the rim was hidden by intervening ridges. During a minute of watching, they expected a drop of about 0.1 to 0.2 psi due to their own breathing and to the slow diffusion of oxygen into various nooks and crannies in the suits. This was a big rock - "there's your basic house(-sized) rock," Duke said - and that was the name that stuck. He became active in private business and as a Christian lay witness. Both Young and Duke had picked up a great deal of practical field experience during training; and, while Young was perfectly happy to let Duke do most of the talking, occasional remarks made it clear that, behind the Commander's "country-boy" facade, there was a shrewd and skilled observer. Are for example get what they’re but again some 301. As he and Duke discovered once they got outside, had they landed "25 meters in any direction from the actual landing site, (the LM) would have been on a local slope of six to ten degrees." And that's the low melting fraction. Via NASA History Division: Apollo 16 Lunar Surface Journal, Image Library, photo AS16-117-18841 (OF300) taken by astronaut Charles M. Duke on April 23, 1972 during the last EVA for Apollo 16 mission. Apollo 16 Wikipedia. Journal is a record of the lunar surface operations conducted by the Last revised 05 June 2018. "I think Apollo 16 was a major scientific surprise because we don't know how to interpret what we found. From then on, they drove in a rain of dust that was not only a nuisance but also contributed to a noticeable, and somewhat worrisome, heating of the Rover batteries. The bulky suits and the chest-mounted PLSS controls made it almost impossible to see one's feet and, almost inevitably, cables refused to lie flat on the surface. The front half of the cabin, where the astronauts stood, was a space about six feet across, six high, and about three deep. From a pilot's point of view, a good mission was a mission without surprises, and as the day went on, Young and Duke proved once again the value of a well-trained crew. This Apollo 16 Image Library contains all of the pictures taken on the lunar surface by the astronauts together with pictures from pre-flight training and pictures of equipment and the flight hardware. From the Apollo 16 Image Library: -e KSC-72P-114. The Apollo Lunar Surface Journal is a record of the lunar surface operations conducted by the six pairs of astronauts who landed on the Moon from 1969 through 1972. The Apollo 14 and 15 crews brought back samples of pre-mare materials, but neither crew visited a pure highlands site. And, of course, the juice not only got into Duke's hair; it coated the inside of his helmet. But no one was interested in taking on the added risks that fatigue would have created as the day got longer and longer. cosmic-ray exposure history at the apollo 16 and other lunar sites: lunar surface dynamics. Young and Duke next had to put on their backpacks, the Portable Life Support Systems (PLSSs) which contained a lithium hydroxide canister to remove CO2, supplies of oxygen and cooling water, and also the associated pumps and fans and the sublimator which actually got rid of the waste heat. The trapped magma, as it crystallized around the olivine and pyroxene crystals, would have still contained some volatiles. As they finally got close, they started down a final slope, their feet now hidden from view, and Schmitt was moved to say, " as our crew slowly sinks in the west...". (LPD) angle - a location on a set of window scribe marks - showed Young that they were headed for a point about 600 meters north and 400 meters west of their target. cosmochim. L'équipage se compose de Pete Conrad (commandant), Richard Gordon et Alan Bean. (A more complete discussion of the Service Module malfunction can be found at the start of the Journal chapter on the Apollo 16 has been listed as one of the Natural sciences good articles under the good article criteria. Founder and Editor Emeritus The goal of such recent efforts with lunar seismic measurements has been to gain further insights into lunar geology. Men problemet blev løst, og landingen blev vellykket. They then pressurized the suits so that they could check for leaks before depressurizing the cabin. The navigation system was proving an invaluable aid. A Delayed Landing; Life in the Cabin; Deploying the ALSEP; Flag Crater Traverse ; Stone Mountain; House Rock; Return to the LM; The Truth of Descartes. The low-melting fraction would gather debris as it went; and it would be mostly highlands material that would erupt as debris flows and would probably settle into the same kind of areas. Landing Coordinates: 8.97341 degrees South, 15.49859 degrees East (Source: National Space Science Data Center); LROC QuickMap First study of highlands area. author drozd rj; hohenberg cm; morgan cj; ralston ce lab. From the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal. In particular, in the final seconds, Young had to hover so that he could fly forward and to the right, just beyond a small crater fifteen meters in diameter. Prior to the pressure check, Young and Duke had been able to move a little, despite the small size of the cabin. As described in prior postings, he organized geology training for the Apollo 13, 15, 16 and 17 LM crews that have made them competent as field geologists. Commander Thomas K. Mattingly II, Command Module pilot; and Lt. We would like to thank everyone for their help and patience. who explored the upper atmosphere with rocket-borne instruments From the Apollo 16 Video Library. They were 42 cm tall and, with only a 15 by 22 cm base, were a bit top heavy. So Apollo16 astronaut Charles M. Duke Jr. came … Related: Apollo 11 Apollo 11 Crew Apollo 11 Astronauts Apollo 11 Earth Apollo 11 Geological Samples Apollo 11 Flag Apollo 11 Moon Landing Tv Apollo 11 Items Left Behind . Because they were running short of time, Houston decided to omit a couple of other planned stops on the slopes of Smoky Mountain and have the astronauts head back toward the LM. Apollo 16 Lunar Sample Information Catalog Part 3: 67015 — 69965 Publication: JSC-16904 In order to do the check, the astronauts first disconnected their LM oxygen hoses and connected the corresponding PLSS hoses. And, finally, on their way north from Stone Mountain, back toward the LM, they momentarily lost power to the rear wheels. Apollo Lunar Surface Journal - Apollo 16 Mission This link connects to transcripts of the radio transmissions of the Apollo 16 astronauts during their time on the lunar surface. And like any traveler, he wanted to bring home a special memory. The harnesses that held the big sample collection bags on their backpacks wouldn't stay tight. Table of Contents. If, as originally planned, they had tried to do a full EVA on that first day, they would have stretched the total to twenty-nine hours or so: four for EVA prep, eight for the EVA itself, and four more of post-EVA activities. Lunar Module Eagle (LM-5) is the spacecraft that served as the crewed lunar lander of Apollo 11, which was the first mission to land humans on the Moon.It was named after bald eagle, which was featured prominently on the mission insignia.It flew from Earth to lunar orbit on the command module Columbia, and then was flown to the Moon on July 20, 1969, by astronaut … Colonel Charles M. Duke Jr., Lunar Module pilot. Usually I consider the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal as the authoritative source, but I'm wondering in this case?--Abebenjoe 22:56, 11 December 2012 (UTC) I got an answer from the journal editors this evening. Colonel Charles M. Duke Jr., Lunar Module pilot. In Charlie Duke's case, he'd been doused with four or five ounces of orange juice while he and Young were still in lunar orbit. The Apollo 16 space vehicle was launched from Kennedy Space Center on April 16, 1972. Time and time again it looked as though they would find the crater just over the next rise but the navigation system said that they still had a way to go. They had said that the surface looked like they might have been the remains of rhyolitic ashflows and the like. Log in. In all, the process took about twenty minutes and, once Duke was suited, they hooked up the hoses which connected him with the LM supplies of oxygen and cooling water. Final report One was the debris flows that swept out from the really large impacts, the large basins. 63130, u.s.a. source geochim. Apollo 16 Summary. In the lunar geologic mapping program, before we had Lunar Orbiter or anything like that, the USGS geologists had identified these smooth plains - light-colored in the highlands - that seemed relatively young. Astronaut Charles Duke During an Apollo 16 Lunar Surface EVA. And that would move up through a highly pulverized crust. Mission Profile; Apollo 16 Animations; Descartes Surprise. Table of Contents. On this first night, Duke was awakened twice by warning lights triggered by a leaking regulator in the primary Reaction Control System. Apollo 16 Mission Overview. Because both sites are so closely associated with the Imbrium impact, there remained a distinct possibility that, in highlands areas far from the Imbrium rim, different geologic processes and materials might have been important. Lunar Curation Contacts; External Links. Apollo 16 (CSM Casper and LM Orion) Saturn V April 16-27, 1972 John W. Young Thomas K. Mattingly II Charles M. Duke, Jr. 11 days, 01 hour, 51 minutes Landing site: Descartes Highlands. Apollo 16 Summary. Like the Surface Journal, it is intended to be a resource for all those interested in the Apollo flights to the Moon, whether in a passing or scholarly capacity. The LSM was a part of the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Packages (ALSEP) for the Apollo 12, 15, and 16 missions. As usual, the pressure check showed that the suits were tight. Because Apollo was about to end, there was no new equipment to test, no new procedures to try. The prior crews had tested equipment and procedures and, if the last two missions seemed a bit routine, it was only a mark of the maturity of the program. The free-swinging rod on the gnomon - the shadow device that provided a scale and a local vertical in the pictures - broke off and they had to press their long-handled scoop into service as a replacement. They turned on the PLSS oxygen flow until the suits were 3.8 pounds-per-square-inch (psi) higher pressure than the cabin, and then turned off the PLSS oxygen and watched the suit pressure decay. There were, of course, the inevitable glitches. And it's pointing toward the Sun. 38; no 10; pp. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, the United States was engaged in the Cold War, a geopolitical rivalry with the Soviet Union. Hello Everyone. The Journal is intended as a resource for anyone wanting to know what happened during the missions and why. Major advancements in surface wave testing over the past 2 decades have led researchers to revisit and re-analyze archived seismic records, particularly those involving measurements on the Moon. The purpose of the LSM is to measure the magnetic field on the lunar surface and to determine from these measurements some of the deep-interior electrical properties of the Moon, such as magnetic permeability, electrical conductivity, and … Page iii, Effective Pages (cont.) Duke was working on fairly level ground and he found that, if he leaned sideways, he could place the bag upright on the ground and, later, put samples in it. ", "Man, it's really tempting though," John Young added. When I was flying over the Farside of the Moon (on Apollo 17), you could see these light-colored plains, without any significant features in them, in the bottoms of large craters. After Apollo 16 there would be only one more. Astronaut Charles Duke During an Apollo 16 Lunar Surface EVA. Charlie served as CapCom during the Apollo 11 landing and as Lunar Module Pilot with Young on the backup crews for Apollo 13 and 17 and on the Apollo 16 prime crew. Apollo 16 a fost a zecea misiune umană din programul Apollo, a cincea misiune care a aselenizat și prima misiune care a aselenizat într-una din zonele înalte ale Lunii.Ea a fost lansată la 16 aprilie 1972 și s-a încheiat la 27 aprilie. That's really neat." six pairs of astronauts who landed on the Moon from 1969 through 1972. The Apollo Lunar Surface The crew made the first spacewalk during the return journey to Earth. Adjoiningstrike. The first thing that's going to melt as that mantle got hot enough to melt at all - or evolve - would be this gaseous, early-melt material. It was a process like an ash-flow or a landslide. So I think several processes probably contributed to the light plains. Return to Journal Homepage 1:16. As Charlie Duke said, "I really want to get out, but I think that discretion is the better part of valor, here. Not until they were out on the surface would they have some freedom of movement again. Young's bag fell off during the outbound drive on EVA-3 - fortunately when it was empty - and, generally, they had to spend far more time than they would have liked tightening the harness straps. Similarly, the chest-mounted brackets that held packs of individual sample bags failed repeatedly and, eventually, they had to hand-carry a few bags at a time. Apollo 16 LM Liftoff 01:26 UTC 14 April 1972 At pitchover, Duke's first callout of an Landing Point Designator Apollo 16's exploration of the lunar surface overturned a prevailing scientific opinion at the time that the lunar highlands were of volcanic origin.. The author would like to thank: Eric Jones who penned the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal.The Journal is a must-read for historians of the Apollo program, and it is the source of some of the astronaut recollections reported here. Apollo Lunar Surface Journal. Seven spacecraft had been launched in the general direction of the Moon: two of them had flown by at respectable distances, a third had actually impacted the Nearside, and a fourth had swung around the Moon and transmitted back humanity's first, grainy views of the Farside. This journal forms a living document that covers the flight of Apollo 10 launch to splashdown. Consequently, he had to wash out his helmet and dry it before he could apply a coating of anti-fogging agent; and then he had to blow some of the juice out of the microphone before it would work. Astronaut Charles Duke During an Apollo 16 Lunar Surface EVA. If there was a lesson to be learned, at least in the Apollo context, it was the need for less fragile cable connections. You may email the editors concerning typos, factual errors, or with general comments at: The corrected transcript, commentary, and other text incorporated in the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal is From their perch on the slopes of Stone Mountain, Young and Duke had gotten a good look into South Ray Crater and, although most of the ejecta was a brilliant white color, here and there they could see streaks of dark material. The Journal also contains extensive, interwoven They were confident in their ability to get up again. Page iv, Effective Pages (cont.) It was clear that, with more time, better suits and equipment, and a spacious, indoor, shirtsleeve environment for making preparations and repairs, productivity could be increased significantly. Duke retired from the Astronaut Corps in 1975 and, later from the U.S. Air Force as a Air Force Reserve Brigadier General. The panoramas are available as Apollo Panoramic photo prints or as Apollo 360 degree panorama VR Movies In order to depressurize the cabin, Duke had to pull a number of circuit breakers on a panel at his right shoulder and change some valve settings on a panel behind him. OSTI.GOV Technical Report: Lunar surface cosmic ray experiment S-152, Apollo 16. From the Apollo 16 Lunar Surface Journal: [John and Charlie are working on Stone Mountain at Station 4, their first EVA-2 geology stop. The Journal is edited by Eric M. Jones and Ken Glover and is intended as a resource for anyone wanting to know what happened during the missions and why. John is doing some solo sampling while Charlie is about to use the penetrometer.] Lunar Core Drive Tubes Summary; Apollo 16 Lunar Drill Cores Summary; Apollo 17 Lunar Drill Cores Summary ; Sample Compendium and Newsletter ; Lunar Sample Compendium; Lunar News; Lunar References ; Contextual Navigation. In soft, unpressurized suits, they were clumsy but still could turn and bend and reach for checklists and pieces of gear with relative ease. Eleven of the magazines contain plottable scenes of the lunar surface. Unauthorized commercial use of copyright-protected material from the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal is prohibited; and the commercial use of the name or likeness of any of the astronauts without his express permission is prohibited. ( 3Mb PDF ) Guid.Nav.Contrl.Performance ( 38Mb PDF ) Postflight Trajectory Analysis . If we had a picture of the Moon taken just before Imbrium and the other large maria began to fill, we would see huge basins excavated by enormous impacts and, everywhere else, the highlands terrain. South Ray crater is a small crater in the Descartes Highlands of the Moon photographed from the lunar surface by the astronauts of Apollo 16.The name of the crater was formally adopted by the IAU in 1973.. They started with the Liquid Cooled Garment (LCG), a suit of underwear into which a network of thin plastic tubes had been woven. Apollo 16 var den tiende bemandede mission i Apollo-programmet og den femte månelanding. 115:58:28 Another brief view of the Lunar surface during Al's camera move. Follow. Title Page Signature Page Acknowledgement Page Page i, Effective Pages Page ii, Effective Pages (cont.) There was one more mission to be flown; and the 17 crew, too, would have plenty of encounters with foot-grabbing cables. ; da. Apollo 11 | Apollo 12 | Apollo 13 | Apollo 14 | Apollo 15 | Apollo 16 | Apollo 17 Resources. At their various stops during the first two days, they had found white breccias with black inclusions and also black breccias with white inclusions. The Apollo Lunar Surface Journal is a record of the lunar surface operations conducted by the six pairs of astronauts who landed on the Moon from 1969 through 1972. Previously, one of the ALSEP package detached from the carrybar. urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.a16a instrument_to_instrument_host urn:nasa:pds:apollodoc:a16doc:a16a_lsm_overview instrument_to_document Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report, NASA SP-315, 622 pages, published by … (Readers interested in more details about such pre-mission hypotheses should consult Wilhelms' To a Rocky Moon, Heiken, Vaniman, and French's Lunar Sourcebook, and Jack Schmitt's discussion that concludes this Apollo 16 summary. Bill Wood - Apollo TV Essay; TV and Communications Documentation; CSM Landmark Maps; Orbital Photomaps; LM Lunar Surface Maps; How The Snowman Got His Name; Apollo 12 Flag Still Casting a Shadow (2009-2011) LM Timeline Book; Guid.Nav.Dictnry P63-68; LM Activation Checklist; Apollo 12 LM Data Card Book; LM Lunar Surface Checklist; Cuff Checklists The lack of scientific surprises was also matched by the relative lack of operational surprises. commentary by the Editor and by ten of the twelve moonwalking Consequently, they completed deployment of the Rover and, later, deployment of the ALSEP experiments with only a few problems. Apollo Lunar Surface Journal . PDF version Individual Pages. Although physical differences between the two sites undoubtedly played a role, a major factor was surely the confidence that Young and Duke had gained from having watched the 15 crew go about their work at Hadley. This December 2017 release of the Journal contains all of the text for the six successful landing missions as well as many photos, maps, equipment drawings, background documents, voice tracks, and video clips which, we hope, will help make the lunar experience more accessible and understandable. Volcanics in the Lunar Highlands? In preparation for sleep, Young and Duke had stacked their helmets and suits on the engine cover and then had strung a hammock - fore and aft at head height- for Young. "It really looks nice out there.". The Journal is intended as a resource for anyone wanting to know what Sign up. Another thing that probably contributed to the formation of light-colored plains was: if you think about what would have been the logical course of eruptive events during mare formation, the major upwelling of mare basalt would have been preceded by a brief period of gas-charged debris eruption. protected by copyright. A few dozen small satellites had been put into low orbit around the Earth. Apollo 15 Lunar Sample Information Catalog Part 2: 15306-15468 … Zero-gravity made sure that he got thoroughly soaked in the sticky stuff and, as he later told CapCom Tony England: "Tony, I wouldn't give you two cents for that orange juice as a hair tonic; it mats it down completely.". Young had to get as far over on his side of the cabin as he could so that Duke could reach the breakers and then turn to get the valves. And, indeed, there may be volcanics there. All rights reserved. It is noteworthy, as well, that Young used the Rover to mark a straight line of tire tracks for deployment of some geophone cables. Charlie stopped, reattached the fallen package and, in this clips, resumes his climb up a small ridge toward what will be the ALSEP deployment site. Now, with the suits inflated and both of them wearing backpacks, the situation was dramatically different. When you begin to partially melt the differentiated, olivine/pyroxene-dominated portion of the lunar mantle, there's still going to be a little bit of volatile material left, even though most of that would have fractionated out. Astronaut Charles Duke During … Apollo 16 Lunar Drill Cores Summary; Apollo 17 Lunar Drill Cores Summary ; Sample Compendium and Newsletter ; Lunar Sample Compendium ; Lunar News; Lunar References ; Contextual Navigation. Dezember 1972 um 0:33 Uhr Eastern Standard Time vom Kennedy Space Center in Florida.An Bord waren der Kommandant Eugene Cernan, der Pilot des Apollo-Raumschiffs Ron Evans und der Pilot der Mondlandefähre Harrison „Jack“ Schmitt. They leaned on tools as they stood facing the slope, and sometimes even knelt as they picked up samples. Apollo 16 would spend one less day in lunar orbit after surface exploration had been completed to afford the crew contingency time to compensate for any further problems and to conserve expendables. I think the geologists got carried away. Apollo Lunar Surface Journal Jack Schmitt was the Apollo 17 LMP and, as a professional geologist, made Apollo 17 the most scientifically productive of the six landings. The Apollo 16 Flight Journal. Final report From the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal. The journal presently covers eleven human flights of the Apollo program, relating the parts of the missions not on the lunar surface… Mission Profile; Apollo 16 Animations; Descartes Surprise. Search. Playing next. Sometimes the other member of the crew would see them catch a cable and give warning. Duke's solo sampling went fairly well, and the only problem he really had was in figuring out what to do with the individual sample bags once they were full. Their confidence in themselves and in their equipment showed up in the relative ease with which they worked on the hillside. The problem had first occurred during LM checkout in orbit and, as with the CSM engine control problem, there had been some initial concern about aborting the landing. The crew consisted of Captain John W. Young, commander; Lt. It is perhaps unfortunate that the Apollo 16 ALSEP deployment is remembered primarily for a heat flow cable that was torn loose. The World-Wide Web's most extensive collection of high-quality Apollo images, featuring images scanned for Eric Jones' Apollo Lunar Surface Journal. Product_Context Apollo 16 LSM Apollo 16 LSM A16 LSM A16 LSM 2017-11-14 1.0 Created by the NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive. In the morning, once they'd gotten the hammocks stowed and had eaten, they then began the laborious process of getting ready to go out. Welcome to the Apollo Flight Journal, the companion to the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal. Lunar Surface Checklist; As-Flown CM/LM Stowage; MET Operator's Manual; Sample Catalog; A14 Pendulum; Training at Nördlinger Ries Crater; Apollo 14 Flag Deployment; Apollo 14 5-Day Report ( 1Mb PDF ) DPS Final Flight Eval. The Apollo panoramas were assembled by UK based Mike Constantine in Adobe Photoshop, each one is made from several separate NASA photos obtained from The Apollo Archive, the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal, and The Lunar and Planetary Institute. On Apollo 15, Jim Irwin's drink bag had never worked properly, causing him a severe case of dehydration. The problem wasn't noticed for awhile but, with Smoky Mountain marking the horizon to the north, they were able to steer with confidence back to the spacecraft which lay hidden by an intervening ridge. published form of the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal, or to allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. A Delayed Landing; Life in the Cabin; Deploying the ALSEP; Flag Crater Traverse ; Stone Mountain; House Rock; Return to the LM; The Truth of … The Journal is, in Neil Armstrong's words, a "living document" and is constantly being modified and updated. non-exclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce the Page … However, after six hours of tests and analysis, Houston decided that the engine problem could be worked around and that the landing could proceed. Lunar Surface Journal Apollo 12: Apollo 12 Documentation: Apollo 12 Flight Journal : Apollo 11: Apollo 13: Apollo 12 (14 novembre 1969 - 24 novembre 1969) est la sixième mission spatiale avec équipage du programme Apollo, et la deuxième à se poser sur la Lune. Aflysning af månelandingen of operational surprises interpret what we thought we were landing on at Descartes on Apollo was... Settings and, in lunar orbit, Young and Duke ran, Ed -. 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